做 houseman 最辛苦的一件事就係 on call-- 即係由一早開始工作直至第二日既中午甚至下午先有得放工; 通常隔 3 -4 日就 call 一 call, 如果下下都直踩廿幾三十個鐘, 真係命都短幾年
on call 時有無得訓, 真係一命二運三風水
首先當然係睇個人既好運程度;好彩係上黎,成晚無咩新症,病人又穩定既話,其實有可能一覺訓天光;相反,就可能無得食飯無得訓之餘仲要係做到冧哂檔,同一時間幾個地方都 call你去做有一定程度重要性既事,真係會令人崩潰架
第二樣好重要既 factor, 就係當晚同你一齊 call 既 MO; 假如拍著個「好碼頭」,收症又收得快, 你有問題問佢又出現得快, 又唔會亂咁 order ABG/TYPE AND SCREEN 既話,成晚既 quality of life 會好好多, 你幫佢做野都會心甘命抵 d; 相反……只會愈做愈燥, 愈做愈唔 gur !
星期一又 call 啦 ! 係正生日前一日呀, 希望唔好係踏正 12 點個一刻, 我唔係抽緊 ABG 就係 type and screen 啦……
張貼留言 (Atom)
I think every HO deserve a post-call morning off, if not, they should be allowed to start working later during their call days, say 2pm or 4pm if there is no post-call off...
回覆刪除And for the QoL at work, I guess the quality of nurses on duty is more important...there were times that I really wanted to smash their face because there were some stupid RN "forcing" me to do things that I thought it's non-sense...of course I have kept my anger well...
(And as far as I know, in general the reputation of RNs at the hospital u're working at currently is bad among HOs)
P.S. An early b-day to u!
An early HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you! :>
回覆刪除生日快樂呀!may all ur wishes become true!x