am so so so tired
can't imagine life with NO post-call half-day off

start to find that I dont eat because of hunger now; I now eat because I'm afraid I cant in the next moment.

I went to work on Tuesday sunny morning, and I brought no umbrella
who would know there'll be black rainstorm on Wednesday afternoon when I can finally leave hospital?

this is just a normal post-call day
as usual, as expected

why do you think you should await something nice?

3 則留言:

  1. 辛苦了~ 現在的努力都是為了將來!
    Let's add oil together~

  2. 比心機! 頂住呀!

  3. 多謝呀!雖然唔知你地係邊個,不過你地既鼓勵真係好有用 :)
