Finally start working as a house officer in QE Medicine, carrying the dect phone and answering different questions!
let me do a brief record of this special moment (wont be too brief actually haha =P)
1. 一朝早襯得閒....收左個症 =P 其實我都幾中意收症, 不過打後既 12 小時我都唔再得閒收第 2 個症; 而且我發現, 無人會 call 我收症, 根本唔知有症收
2. 今日負責既 wards 由 6 樓至 11 樓. 行樓梯行到腳軟. 仲要因為唔熟路, 有 d 層數既 wards 一係入唔到, 一係無密碼...總之行左勁多冤枉路...
3. MO,姑娘同阿 SIR 都好好人, 知道我地第一日, 好多野都好 helpful; 姑娘同阿sir 真係好醒,無左佢地我好多野都搞唔掂 !!
4. 去左 M5, 即係羈留病所 !! 開下眼界
5. 差唔多抽左十幾個 ABG , 成功率有 99.9%!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 原來當你得一個人, 又一定要抽到血既時候, 你會死都死到 d 血出黎 !!
6. 今日又CPR ..... 仲要 defibrillate 埋! 不過最後都係 certify 左.
7. 勁樣衰地推左連住警鐘既門......搞到響哂 alarm..........超.樣.衰!!!
8. 成日都無食過飯無飲個水無去過 toilet >< ... 7:30am食完早餐之後, 去到10pm 放工先再買野飲.....無啦啦 NPO 左自己成日, and decrease Urine Output...到後期 start to decrease GC.....
9. 功課係做極都唔完....有時dect phone好耐都唔響, 但係CPR個時就係咁響 =.=........今日應該簽左幾百個名
10. 返左成日工, 10 個病人/家屬都叫我姑娘 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 初期都心諗「算啦~」, 以為係老人家固有觀念女仔就係姑娘, 點知連 d 後生家屬都叫我姑娘 !! 我真係有d 唔想再應佢地! 唔該大家 educate 下身邊所有普羅大眾, 我, 著住白袍, 係醫生!! 雖然我係女仔, 又無咩醫生款, 但係, 我係醫生! 唔好再問我「邊到有熱水」, 或者問我「沖唔沖得涼」...........
-So this is the very first day of work. but this is just a short call.(supposingly my shift ends at 6pm but turn out I only manage to leave at 10pm...)
-hope I can admit more cases later. eat better. prioritize things well.
my 1st overnight call will be on Saturday....hope I can make to sleep or at least rest a bit =P
張貼留言 (Atom)
sounds very productive for your first day. 羈留病所點嫁, interesting?
回覆刪除羈留病所 is quite similar to prison (from what I see on tv =P), and I need policemen to accompany me inside the ward all the way through. pretty interesting experience :P
回覆刪除我好似睇緊《妙手仁心》, 哈哈, 希望你快D遇上程至美啦! XD
回覆刪除加油!!!!!!!!!Doctor Chiu!